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A campaign to celebrate the real heroes of crime stories.

Bringing safety to life for all British Columbians

BC Government
Provoking a conversation to expand reach.

The Godstone Brewers
A complete rebrand that I'm developing alone, including stategy, creative direction, design and illustration.

An award-winning TV sting that I concepted, art directed, and produced after noticing an opportunity with my girlfriend's fling with taxidermy.

A video campaign that draws parallels between sports bettors and players.

British Heart Foundation
An experiential idea that provokes Londoners to think about the health of their hearts.

ICBC x BC Lions
A campaign that ensured every fan made a plan to get home safe.

A calming, flexible design system.

BC Hydro
To make people aware of insulation rebates, we insulated the ads themselves.

A strategic brand shift and a ‘revolutionary’ new bathroom product.

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